Biblical Truth

Chapter One – Creation Week Day 1 thru 6

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

Note:   Let us break down this sentence, to grasp the
actual content of what the bible is sharing. 
The phrase “In the beginning” denotes a starting point for
something.  It also states that God
existed prior to “the beginning”, since God did something to cause “the
beginning” to occur.  So just what does
“in the beginning” cause?  We read, “In
the beginning God created, therefore, creation
is the starting point of “in the beginning”. 
So, since God created, then God must be the Creator,
but what is it that He created?  The
answer is the Heaven and the Earth, therefore the Universe.  Since God is the creator of the Universe, it
is reasonable to believe that He is also the owner of all that He created, the

            So far, we have designated that a
entity, named God, is the Creator and Owner of the Universe, known and
unexplored.  Why is this entity so
special?  What makes Him God.  Well the answer to this question is, He
existed before the beginning or before creation.  In the Bible it refers to this existence as
an Alpha. 
Only an Alpha existed before the beginning or creation, and therefore
only God is an Alpha.  Only and Alpha,
which existed before creation, could have caused creation to occur.  That which did not exist, could not have
caused creation to exist.  Therefore, any
created thing, cannot be an alpha. 

And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the
face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

Note:   Here we read that the earth was without form
and void, this means that earth did not exist. 
Void means that space for the earth existed, but that there was nothing
to occupy the space.  Matter is anything
that has mass (weight) and occupies space. 
Therefore, there existed no matter before creation, and what God
actually created was matter.  God caused
the space to exist, and later filled said space, this is the process of
creation.  Creation is to cause something
to exist, where nothing existed before, it does not combine pre-existing matter
to create a new form, this is pro-creation. 
Therefore, only God can create, since He is the only entity to exist
before creation, and no created being or thing has the capacity to create. 

text continues, “and darkness was upon the face of the deep”.  Here we see that darkness reigned the void
(emptiness), since there was no light, and this darkness was
deep, or difficult to
penetrate or comprehend.  Next, we see
that the “Spirit of God” moved upon the face of the waters.  Here we note that the word “Spirit” is
capitalized, therefore it is a proper noun. 
If this was meant to read God’s spirit, something referring to the God
that we were speaking of, it would not be capitalized, therefore, this may mean
a second entity. 

Spirit of God moved upon the
face, or surface of the
, a particular quantity
or body of water. 

And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

Note:   We read that God, with His voice, commanded
light to exist, and it became so. 
Therefore, God has power and control over the elements of nature, and
nature must obey.  God’s power is in His

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And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light
from the darkness.

Note:   Here we find that God, took the time to
examine that which He created.  After
examining His creation, He finds that it is acceptable to His purpose,
therefore, God has a relationship with all that He creates, a loving
relationship.  Before the light, only darkness
existed, now that light has been created, light and darkness exist in a
symbiotic relationship, but since both cannot exist together, or they cancel on
another out, God separated the two. 

And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And
the evening and the morning were the first day.

Note:   Here we read that God, after he separated the
night (absence of light) from the day (filled with light), He
names each.  When an entity names
something, that infers that he or she has authority over what was named.  We find that God has absolute authority over
the night and the day.  Only one that has
actual authority. or where one is given authority, does that individual have
the right to name the created, or procreated, person, place or thing.  Since God has absolute authority over the
night and day, then He is not subject to the night and day.  We will return to this subject later. 

            Lastly, we see that God defines the first day of
existence, or after the start of creation. 
He states that the day commences with the darkness or evening, continues
in the light or day, and therefore ends and begins with the darkness.  God, on the first day of creation creates
light, light is a source of energy. 

And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters,
and let it divide the waters from the waters.

Note:   Again, God uses His voice to command nature,
and nature obeys.  Nature must obey,
since nature is itself created.  Remember
above, the Creator, has absolute authority over that which He creates, and is
not subject to the creation.  God
commands the firmament to exist, where before nothing exists, remember this is
actual creation.  The purpose of the
firmament was to separate the waters. 
The process of separation is by the creation of science today calls
pressure.  Therefore, on the second day
of creation, God commanded nature, that pressure must exist, to divide the

And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under
the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.

Note:   Here the bible clearly states that the second
God created the pressure, the firmament, the water above, were separated from
the waters that were below.  Therefore,
God again creates space, and fills the space with the waters.  The firmament becomes the line of demarcation
of one space from the other. 

            Again we have clear biblical evidence that nature must
obey it’s creator, the bible states that “it was so.”



And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning
were the second day.

Note:   Again, we find God naming that which He
creates, showing ownership and a relationship with that which He has
created.  Again we see that the Biblical
“day” starts with the darkness or evening, and ends with the absence of light.  Therefore, a Biblical “day” goes from sunset
to sunset. 

And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together
unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so.

Note:   God uses the power of His Word, commands
nature, and nature complies.  As we
concluded before, in creation, God creates the spaces, and then fills said
spaces.  Remember, God had used pressure
to separate the waters on day two; here, God deals with the lower waters.  He consolidates the lower waters, and makes
room for His next creation, land.  Where
two spaces existed before, the waters above and the waters below, now three
spaces exist, the last space of course is land. 
We can see that God’s creation is logical.  He creates the energy sources that create the
spaces, then He fill the spaces.  He started
with nothingness, the abyss, created light and pressures to separate the spaces
and waters.  Then He separates the lower
spaces and creates another space that He calls land. 

10 And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the
waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good.

Note:   We again find God naming that which He
creates, the dry “land” is named Earth, and the collection of the lower waters
He named Seas.  Remember, the naming of
something shows ownership over it.  Only
the Creator of creation has the right to name, or designate another, a steward,
the right to name said creation.  We
witness that God looks back at what He created to ensure and validate that
which He made.  God names, possess and
validates or ensures His creation, these actions create a relationship with the
creation.  This relationship with
creation shows why God loves that which He creates. 

11 And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding
seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in
itself, upon the earth: and it was so.

12 And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his
kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind:
and God saw that it was good.

Note:   Again, God commands and nature follows.  Remember the mechanism of God’s creation is
logical; first He created the means to create the space, then He created the
space, then He filled said space.  Here
we find that God focuses on filling the dry land.  He commands of nature, and nature complies
as God commands.  God creates the grass,
seeds that will grow into herbs, and the trees that create fruits that hold the
seeds for future growth of the same species of trees.  He commands of nature that every grass, herb
and tree create seeds that cause growth or




multiplication of the
specific species of plant, and that such seed or plant, shall not be changed,
“after his kind”.  We can infer by this
statement that God creates a commandment over all nature and creation that they
should not alter that which God has created, and to do so would result in
sin (a transgression of the Law).  We see the intricate love that God has for
all His creation, again He looks back at what He creates, names the creation,
and ensures that what He created is as it should be, or, good. 

13 And the evening and the morning were the third day.

Note:   After God finishes creation, He gives a name
to the third day by designating a number to it, “Third”.  Therefore, God is also the creator of the
sequence of numbering things.  So on this
third day, God consolidates the lower waters which He calls Seas, He created
dry land to appear and call it Earth, He fills the earth with grass, herbs and
trees and names each, He commands nature and creation not to change His
creation, and He ensures that all is as it should be.  God had a busy day.

14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to
divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and
for days, and years:

Note:  Again, God commands of nature, and nature
complies exactly as commanded.  Here, God
commands that lights exist in the upper waters or heaven, now He fills the
waters above.  We can see that God does
not create without purpose.  God
separated the waters, forming the upper waters or heaven from the lower waters
or Seas.  God is now starting to fill the
space He previously created, with lights. 
These lights, in the Heaven, are what we know as planets, moons and
suns.  Now God had previously created
time by designating the light or day from the evening or darkness, and by
naming the days with a sequence of numbers. 
Now God creates a means for measuring times, by how the earth travels
around the planets, for signs, seasons, days and years.  Every step of creation is logical and
purposeful.  Each part of creation and
designation is to avoid confusion for subsequent creations.  Again, this attention to detail, this
preoccupation to understanding, these logical sequences all show the character
of a God who is Love. 

15 And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light
upon the earth: and it was so.

Note:   Here God defines the purpose of His
creation.  The lights that now exist in
the heaven, the Sun, the radiation of the sun light on to the Moon and Planets,
to light up the earth.  God never wanted
His creation to be in utter darkness. 
Once again, God commands, and nature follows, “it was so.”

16 And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day,
and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.

Note:   We find that God created two distinct lights,
for two distinct time periods.  The
greater light, or Sun, was given dominion (right to rule, stewardship) the day,
the lesser light, the Moon, was granted dominion (right to rule as a steward)
the night.  The stars were also made to
give light upon the earth, but no dominion was given them.  Perhaps, because of this dominion, and man’s
misinterpretation of right to rule, thought to mean owner or creator, man
started to worship the “heavenly bodies” and hence the origin of paganism.


17 And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon
the earth,

Note:   Here we find that God not only created
specific lights, for specific time periods, he places said lights in a specific
place, the firmament (pressure) of Heaven, for a specific purpose, to
give light upon the earth.  These lights,
or forms of matter, were placed in the firmament, pressure filled space, so
that different forms of matter would not come together. Again, we see the logic
and purpose of this loving Creator.  This
idea of specific, grants us a glimpse into the character of our Creator, all
His creations are specific or unique, and all have a unique purpose.  This uniqueness of quality and purpose could
only come from a caring and loving God, a God who is LOVE.  Only a God with this type of character would
take the time to create uniqueness.

18 And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light
from the darkness: and God saw that it was good.

Note:  Here God expounds upon His creations’
specificity.  His unique lights would be
granted authority, to rule over their unique times or periods.  In doing so, this governance by the specific
lights would divide the day from the night, and therefore establish the essence
of time.  Again, we find that God does
not clumsily create these lights, and randomly place them in any time frame or
period, but rather He observes that which He created, to ensure that His
creations meet the specified purpose that they were created for.  This again shows that God loves His creation
and ensures its uniqueness.  God is not
arbitrary, He too is unique, for there is none like Him.

19 And the evening and the morning were the fourth day.

Note:   Again, we find that the day starts with the
period of darkness, continues thru the period of light, and ends with onset of
darkness, this is the biblical definition of a day.  So, on the fourth day, God fills the space we
refer to as Heaven, with the lights to give light on to the Earth.

20 And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the
moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the
open firmament of heaven.

Note:   Definition of “Bring Forth” –
to cause something to happen (catalyst), to cause something to be seen
(realized), or to cause something to be known (realized).  In this text we read that God commanded of
the waters (
which waters) to bring forth the moving creatures that have life.  Is important to understand the proper
definition of bring forth?  The answer to
this question is, absolutely!  If the
definition of “bring forth” used in this text is to cause something to happen,
then the waters, or nature, caused the creation of the creatures, and therefore
is a creator or co-creator.  This negates
the need for God as Creator, and nature too has the ability to create, we call
this Giaa worship, or pantheism.  If the
definition of “bring forth” used in this text to be known, or be seen, then God
remains the only Creator, and the waters, or nature only cause the realization
of that which God created.  This is a
very important distinction and is an example that words often have multiple
meanings, and that part of a bible study is to ascertain which meaning is
correct in the specific context. 

            Therefore, God created the moving creatures with life,
and placed them in the waters where the firmament, or pressure, was
placed.  We now know that this is the
heaven, or the waters above.  Since this pressure
exists, the fowls must do something in order to cause motion, or movement, in
this pressure filled space, and God called this motion to “fly”. 

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21 And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth,
which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged
fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good

Note:   So in our previous text, we asked the
question, which water had the privilege given by God, to “bring forth”, which
meant to introduce these creatures to nature. 
In this text, we find the answer to the aforementioned question.  Remember, we discussed the absolute
importance, of using the appropriate definition or use of the term “bring
forth”.  Here, in this text, God states
in an uncontestable fashion, so that there can remain no uncertainty or
confusion.  “And God created great
whales, and every living creature that moveth.  He then stated “which the waters brought
forth (introduced) abundantly, so now by comparing the two texts we can know
the answer to the question.  Remember
that the fowl was created by a water, and then placed into a water with
firmament or pressure.  We know that
birds “fly” in the sky or heavens. 
Second, God created the great whales, and this too was derived from the
same water as the fowl.  Since whales
reside in the Seas, we know that both forms of creations were introduced by the
lower waters or seas, as well as every living creature that moves, to this
point or place in time of creation. 

            Again, our loving God looks back at what He has created,
where He has placed each creature, and the specific water responsible for
introducing each creature to the remainder of nature, darkness, light,
firmament, heaven and Seas.  He then
examines each creatures purpose and function in the specific waters where they
would reside and saw that it was good.  Lastly
he repeats the command to nature and all creation, not to alter His creation,
“after its kind.

22 And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill
the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth

Note:   The definition of “Blessed
“– 1. held in reverence (venerated), 2. honored in worship (hallowed), 3. Beatific
(to declare to have attained the blessedness of heaven and authority), 4. of or
enjoying happiness, bring pleasure, contentment, or good fortune, 5. used as an
intensive (tending to strengthen or increase)

            Since the animals created possess no common sense
(ability to have prudent judgment), then we can assume that they would not
derive any benefit from being revered, being worshiped, being given authority,
or the ability to have contentment. 
Therefore, when God uses the term “blessed” it is used as a term or
increase, this is validated by God’s next statement, for the creatures to
multiply, be fruitful and fill the waters in the seas and the earth.

23 And the evening and the morning were the fifth day. 

Note:   Again, we find the biblical definition of a
“day”, from sunset to sunset.  Again, God
does not want nature to be ignorant. 
Therefore, God continues to define time by numbering the next sequential
day as the fifth.

24 And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after
his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind:
and it was so.

Note:   God commands of nature, this time, not of the
Seas, but of the dry land known as earth. 
He gives the dry land or earth the opportunity to “bring forth”, or to
introduce His newly created creatures to nature.


          God commands the earth, to
introduce every living creature, that shall reside on the earth, including the cattle,
creeping thing, and the beasts.  He then
repeats the command to nature and all creation, not to change that which He
created, “after its king”.  Nature obeys,
since God has absolute authority over nature.

25 And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after
their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and
God saw that it was good.

Note:   Again, we see that the use of term bring
forth has remained “to introduce”, this made clear by this verse when it
clearly states that God made (created) every beast of the earth, every cattle and
every thing that creepeth, that resides on the earth.  He restates His command to creation not to
affect His creation in any manner, “after its kind”. 

            After God has created His creatures, had the earth
introduce said creatures to nature, he then inspects what He has done.  He ensures that each creature is as it should
be (exist), in the proper space (the earth), with its proper function
(purpose).  Remember, even though God is
perfect, He takes the time to ensure that all that He creates is a perfect
relationship with all nature.  Again,
only a loving being would pay such attention to detail, and only a being that
loves what He created would take the time to do so, having a relationship with
what He created.  Remember this important
concept, God has a loving relationship with everything that He creates. 

26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and
let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air,
and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that
creepeth upon the earth.


Note:   Here we see that God informs someone, or
something.  When making said statement,
He intentionally uses the pleural form of I, by using the word “
us”.  Definition of “LET” – 1.  To cause to exist (make), 2. To give
opportunity to, or to fail to prevent 2. To introduce a request or proposal, 3.
To express a warning, 4. To free from, or as if confinement, 5. To permit to
enter, pass or leave, 6. To make an adjustment to.  Definition of “OUR” (possessive
pronoun) –
of or relating to us or
ourselves or ourself especially as possessors or possessor, agents or agent, or
objects or object of an action. 
Definition of “IMAGE” – 1. A visual representation, 2. A
produced picture, 3. A mental picture or impression of something (symbol), 4.
Idea or concept, 5. Semblance or exact likeness, 6. Incarnation (tangible or
visible representation), 7.

            This is the first time in creation that the entity God,
refers or conversed with another entity. 
This is made plain by the use of the possessive pronoun
our, our infers a relationship between multiple entities,
“particularly entities that hold possession of something, during this time,
only creation has a possessor, therefore, this makes it clear that these
conversing entities have authority and ownership over creation.  Creation cannot be an “our”, for creation is
not equal to its Creator, either in authority or ownership.  This infers, since only an Alpha or Alphas,
existed to perform creation, this other entity, or entities, since they have
equal authority and ownership over creation, they too must be Alphas. 

            When God uses the verb “LET” it infers an action or task
to be performed by an individual or group. 
In the previous paragraph we learned that God is conversing with another
entity, therefore this is a conversation between two or more.  Which definition of let is being


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used in this text.  The group could be discussing an action that
causes something to exist, that does not currently exist, we know this process
as creation.  When God is
speaking, he could be introducing a proposal, but he could not be requesting
one, since we have concluded that the entities in the group are all
equals.  From the remainder of the text,
it is not reasonable to believe that this statement is a warning, this idea
does not agree with the words or sentences that follow.  It can not be an action to free something
since the entity being discussed does not yet exist, and therefore there can be
no restraints on that which does not exist. This use of let cannot be to allow
to enter, pass or leave, since again, the subject does not yet exist.  Lastly, the use of let cannot be to make an
adjustment to, since the subject does not exist.  Therefore, the only use of let that can
reasonably be consistent with this text is either to make a proposal where a
group of equal beings can either agree to create the subject, or refuse to
create it.  The use of let that mostly
agrees with this text is to come together to create and cause to exist the
subject of discussion. 

            We conclude that this statement is saying, the entity
that we know as God, is discussing with one or more other entities of equal
authority, about the creation of the subject known as man.  God then states that they should create man
in their image and after
their (multiple) likeness.  This statement agrees with the notion that
there are more than two Alphas involved in this discussion.  What is the true form of image being used in
this text:  Definition of “LIKENESS” – 1.
Copy or portrait, 2. Semblance or exact likeness 3. Resemblance or the quality
or state of being like. 

            When we compare the use of image, to the use of likeness,
we find that there are two definitions that are found in both types.  First, Copy or portrait can be similar to
picture.  Second the use of image and
likeness both include the definition Semblance or exactness.  Again, since the subject does not exist at
the time of the discussion, it cannot be a portrait or picture, therefore, the
most logical meaning of the text is Semblance or exactness.  God is stating that they want to create man
in a manner exactly like them.  Remember,
this group of entities consist of Alphas, those capable of creation, since they
existed before creation.  That which did
not exist before creation, cannot create creation.  Understanding this, man is being created in a
manner exactly like God, but only to the level that he can exist.  This means that man since he is not an Alpha,
cannot create, or exist as God.  The New
Age Movement believes that man too can be a god, and therefore an Alpha. 

27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he
him; male and female created he them.

Note:   This text then goes on to define man.  With this definition God names man, “male and
female created He them” (pleural).  Since
God names man, and man does not name God, man is not an equal to the Alphas,
and therefore is subject to God.  Man is
a created being, not a creator.  Here we
find that both man and God exist in the singular, and in the pleural.  Is it possible that when God is referring to
creating man (pleural) in their (pleural) image, that part of this image is
that man will be able to exist with the power to reason, communicate, and build
relationships, whereas animals do share this ability with man?  This makes the relationship between God and
man special (Holy), set apart from all other creatures, unique.  The uniqueness of this relationship is
further explained in the next text.


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28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and
multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the
fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that
moveth upon the earth.

Note:   Definition of Fruitful – 1.
Yielding or producing fruit, 2. Conducive to an abundant yield, 3. Abundantly
 Definition of Replenish – 1. To
fill or build up again, 2. To fill with persons or animals, 3. Nourish (to fill
with inspiration or power), 4. To fully supply.   The
definition of “Blessed “– 1. held in reverence
(venerated), 2. honored in worship (hallowed), 3. Beatific (to declare to have
attained the blessedness of heaven and authority), 4. of or enjoying happiness,
bring pleasure, contentment, or good fortune, 5. used as an intensive (tending
to strengthen or increase).

            Remember that words can have multiple meanings, and
sometimes a meaning can alter or contradict the meaning that God is trying to
relay.  Therefore, it is important that
we ascertain which meaning or definition God is actually using.  In doing this, we must always refer the
context to the unchanging character of God. 

            Again, God uses the term blessed, but which form of
blessed is He using.  Man, being a
created being, cannot attain the level of reverence, or being held in the
highest esteem, that position is found only for God.  Man, being a created being, not being an
Alpha, was never intended to be worshiped, that glory is reserved for God and
God alone.  Man, being a created being,
can never
attain the blessedness of
heaven, although it can be given by God to man, but man can never earn or
purchase this gift (Simon Magas), therefore this is not the use in the
text.  Man can receive of God, the
benefits of being in a relationship with God, happiness, pleasure, contentment,
and good fortune, whereas animals without reason are not able to experience
them.  This may be the use of the text,
or in combination.  God could have been
telling man to increase and strengthen in numbers?  It is most likely a combination of these last
two verses, where God is explaining to man and nature, the uniqueness of this
relationship, and the benefits of remaining in said it, see Deuteronomy 28.

            To term fruitful seems to be a verb, or action word, that
is associated with numbers or concentration. 
The first explanation refers in increase or decrease as it applies to
fruits, now biblically speaking, fruits does not always pertain to food.  The second explanation refers to a large
increase or yield, compared to what was started with, the progenitor.  The third explanation is referring to the
producer, progenitor, as being abundant. 
Since these verbs, or action words, are referring to a noun, and here we
know that the noun is man, then we must find which of these explanation best refer
to man, and of those, which give the most concise interpretation of this
relationship as it applies to the sentence, paragraph and the character of God
(most important).

This thought process is
called deductive reasoning, and it is essential to the
understanding of God’s word, with the aide of the Holy Spirit. 

29 And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed,
which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the
fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.

30 And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and
to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have
given every green herb for meat: and it was so.

31 And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very
good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.


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